
When you buy Strong Hing Powder online, the majority of it is mixed with rice flour or other additives to give it a smooth texture. This is also the reason you do not experience the same aroma that OJAS Strong Hing offers. When you shop for Strong Hing Powder from OJAS, we guarantee you that it is the Best OJAS hing online. Just a pinch can add the X-factor to your dishes.






50 gms

SKU: 006-h9-345 Category: Tag:


Strong Hing Powder, also known as asafoetida powder, is a spice commonly used in Indian cuisine. It is derived from the resin of the ferula plant and has a strong, pungent aroma and flavor. It is often used as a substitute for onion and garlic in dishes, particularly in Jain and Brahmin cuisine where these ingredients are avoided. Strong Hing Powder is also believed to have several health benefits, including aiding in digestion, reducing bloating, and treating respiratory issues.




Additional information

Weight 250 g

50 Gms


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