Stir-fry your dal, stew your curry, or pepper an aromatic chicken soup with one of the hottest chillies in India – Teja Red Chilli. One of the finest varieties of world renowned fiery hot Guntur Chillies, it has a very high level of capsaicin in it adding thundering taste and delicious aroma to whatever you cook with it. Capsaicin is also a natural pain reliever used in many ointments, therapeutic gels, and medicines.
Add a tadka of health with Teja Red Chilli as it increases metabolism, reduces appetite, and burns excess body fat and weight. Let it relieve you from constipation and help in good digestion. Teja Red Chilli stimulate the release of vasodilators in the body that helps maintain blood pressure, improve blood circulation, and subsequently keeps your heart healthy.
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